
Category: Rides & Routes

The 12 Best Bike Trails in San Francisco

The 12 Best Bike Trails in San Francisco Alamo square painted ladies san francisco bike tour

The 12 Best Bike Trails in San Francisco San Francisco is one of the most legendary urban biking destinations in the world, a true cyclist paradise in every sense. It’s a dramatic and beautiful combination of epic viewpoints, diverse neighborhoods, and stunning nature that are connected by a great network of established bike routes. Biking […]

San Francisco’s Best Electric Bike Tours are here – and they make you feel like a Superhero!

San Francisco’s Best Electric Bike Tours are here – and they make you feel like a Superhero! Bernal heights park panoramic view

Explore San Francisco on a fresh air adventure on the best electric bike tours. Each adventure showcases SF’s coolest neighborhoods, essential landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge, and plenty of hidden gems Safe adventure in the Covid-19 era is our top priority. Read our Coronavirus safety post or see our bike safety page for more […]

San Francisco Bike Ride Guide – Golden Gate Bridge to Mt. Tam [route / photos / stops / food!]

San Francisco Bike Ride Guide – Golden Gate Bridge to Mt. Tam [route / photos / stops / food!] Mt. Tamalpais bike ride view

THE ESSENTIALSAN FRANCISCO BIKE RIDE GUIDE Golden Gate Bridge to Mt. Tamalpais  Rides     Food & Drink    Adventures   Why this ride and guide are special Mt. Tamalpais is probably the most iconic Bay Area biking destination and easily one of the most beautiful.  Most famous for being the birthplace of mountain biking, Mt. Tam […]